Projects & Funding

Investigador Principal - Fellowships obtenidas PI

2020: “Margarita Salas 2020 Recualification Programme” (MS21-035), funded by MICINN: 70.7 k€. (2022–2024). (ICMol - Universidad de Valencia)

2019: “Proyecto Juan de la Cierva Formación” (FJC2019-039015-I), funded by MICINN: 50 k€. (2021–2023). (ICMol - Universidad de Valencia)

2012: “Leonardo da Vinci Programme” (2012-1-ES1-LEO02-48463), funded by the OAPEE by PAP -EU: 3.375 €. (2013). (University Zaragoza)

Member of Research Team - Fellowships obtenidas RT

2024-2027: “Aproximaciones sintéticas alternativas para el desarrollo de Redes Metal Orgánicas - AlterMOF” (PID2023-152920NB-I00), funded by MICINN: 237.5 k€. PI: G. Mínguez Espallargas and Mónica Giménez Marqués (ICMol - UV).

2023-2026: “New routes for the applications of porous materials - APPORE” (PROMETEU; CIPROM/2022/48), by Generalitat Valenciana: 599.6 k€. PI: Guillermo Mínguez Espallargas. (ICMol - Universidad de Valencia).

2023-2026: “Advanced Porous Materials - AVANT” (MFA/2022/031), funded by Generalitat Valenciana and ERC: 209.3 k€. PI: G. Mínguez Espallargas and Mónica Giménez Marqués (ICMol - Universidad de Valencia).

2021-2024: “Mixed-valence MOFs with non trivial electronic and magnetic behaviour” (PID2020-117177GB-I00), funded by MICINN: 145 k€. PI: G. Mínguez Espallargas and J. M. Clemente-Juan (ICMol - Universidad de Valencia).

2019-2022: “Dynamic studies of breathing MOFs and molecular qubits” (PROMETEU-2019/066), by Generalitat Valenciana: 240 k€. PI: Guillermo Mínguez Espallargas. (ICMol - Universidad de Valencia).

2018-2020: “MOFs y Moléculas Magnéticas para Electrónica y Tecnología Cuántica” (CTQ2017-89528-P), funded by MICINN: 137 k€ (plus 1 PhD). PI: Guillermo Mínguez Espallargas and Alejandro Gaita-Ariño (ICMol - UV).

2017-2022: “Smart Coordination Polymers with Compartmentalized Pockets for Adaptive Guest Entrance; S-CAGE” (ERC-CoG-724681), funded by the European Research Council: 2 M€. PI: Guillermo Mínguez Espallargas (ICMol - UV).

Member of Research Team - Fellowships obtenidas RT

2024: CatOlyst (Dutch company). Project based on novel adsorbents shaping.    PI: G. Mínguez Espallargas and E. Andrés-García (ICMol - Universidad de Valencia).

2017: Tecnalia (the largest applied research centre in Spain) started a collaboration with TU Delft. Design and test MMM (Mixed Matrix Membrane) polymer hollow fibres for CO2/H2 adsorptive separation enclosed in the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme(Sep. Pur. Tec. 2020, 237, 116347). PI: F. Kapteijn (TU Delft), and O. David (Tecnalia).

Co-Proposer - Proposals obtenidas RT

2020-2023: Three funded “synchrotron proposals” (7 days): (MSPD, SAXS & PDF (ALBA synchrotron)); including travel expenses, accommodation and measuring time: equivalent to 70 k€ (10 K€/day). PI: Guillermo Mínguez Espallargas and Isabel Abánades Lázaro (ICMol - Universidad de Valencia).